Cologne (Germany)

Museum Ludwig

The Ludwig Museum is a German art museum, one of the most important in the city of Cologne. It contains a wide variety of works from the 20th and 21st centuries, from abstract art, German expressionism and surrealism to Pop Art.


Entrance fee:

Opening hours and closing days:

Exterior view of Museum Ludwig
View of the pop art collection of the Museum Ludwig

Access preferences

360º Panoramic Tour (Visual Experiences)

Discover highlights of the permanent collection virtually in a 360º tour

Disabled parking (Parking)

There are two hand­i­capped park­ing spots on Bis­chofs­garten­s­traße, which are a short dis­tance from the bar­ri­er-free en­trance to the mu­se­um.

General Accessibility (Accessibility)

En­ter­ing the Mu­se­um.
Bar­ri­er-free ac­cess to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig is pos­si­ble via an el­e­va­tor on Bis­chofs­garten­s­traße. The en­trance to the el­e­va­tor is lo­cat­ed be­low the south en­trance to the mu­se­um. On the left side of the glass door is a door­bell at a height of 110 cm, which you can use to in­form our se­cu­ri­ty per­son­nel of your ar­ri­val.

In­side the Mu­se­um.
From the foy­er you can reach the tick­et desk and the en­trance to the mu­se­um via two glass doors. The glass doors have a pas­sage width of 177 cm.
All ex­hi­bi­tion ar­eas in the build­ing can be reached via el­e­va­tors.

Hand­i­capped-Ac­ces­si­ble Toi­lets. All the toi­lets have an emer­gen­cy bell and are ac­ces­si­ble via el­e­va­tors.

Ac­cord­ing to the guide­lines of the ci­ty of Cologne, peo­ple with 50% de­­gree of dis­­a­­bil­i­­ty and above pay half the ad­mis­sion price to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig.

Peo­ple ac­com­pany­ing vis­i­tors with a dis­a­bil­i­ty card desig­nat­ed “B” will re­ceive free ad­mis­sion. Guide dogs are al­lowed in the mu­se­um.

Sustainability (Environmentally responsible)

As a public institution committed to social, ecological and economic responsibility, sustainability is a concern for the Ludwig Museum at all operational levels, with the aim of better protecting people and nature now and in the future.

Contact info

Museum Ludwig,
Bischofsgartenstraße 1, D,
Cologne, Germany.