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You can search our database via a simple and and advanced search form, on the Museum For All home page.
Please note that we are currently Relaunching Museum For All, which means that the database is still small. Why? Because many things have changed in the last years. Black Lives Matter, MeToo, Covid, to name just a few. We see the decolonialisation of museums and restitution of objects, social engagement with local communities, and more online visits than ever. Museums in Europe are taking notice of a demand for a responsible, transparent and fair relationship between the institution and its visitors. So we decided to relaunch the project in 2020/21, with a new partner, a new philosophy, and a new look. Please help us in the process of what a Museum for all is, and how to define the criteria of the database! Interested? Then please drop us a line via or phone at +34 93 470 51 18. Thank you for being part of our mission to open culture for all people!