Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

NEMO Science Museum

NEMO’s mission is to bring science and technology closer to the public in an interactive and accessible way, in the museum, at schools, at nationwide events and online.
NEMO outside

Access preferences

Caretakers enter free (Special Assistance)

Visitors who are unable to access and get around NEMO independently may bring a companion along free of charge, on presentation of a Companion Pass (Begeleiderspas) or Autism Passport (Autipas).

Guide and assistant dogs (Animals)

Registered guide dogs are welcome at NEMO.

NEMO is easily accessible by public transport. (Getting there)

The museum’s eye-catching copper-green building is easy to spot from Amsterdam Central Station.

Navigation app for visitors with a visual impairme (Museum App)

NEMO is committed to being open and accessible for visually impaired visitors. With this in mind, we have made various adaptations throughout NEMO, including the addition of high contrast colour schemes and providing the NaviLens app. eZwayZ is an app that is designed to make indoor navigation easy for people with a visual impairment. The app guides visitors through the different floors and exhibitions at NEMO.

Wheelchair, rollator walker or mobility scooter (Getting around inside the museum)

NEMO is wheelchair, rollator walker and mobility scooter friendly, except for the Energetica exhibition on the rooftop square. The museum has 1 wheelchair that you can borrow.

Contact info

NEMO Science Museum,
Oosterdok 2,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+31 (0)20-531 32 33