Tirana (Albania)

National Museum of secret surveillance - House of Leaves

The building known as the “House of Leaves” (so called because of the clambering plant covering its facade) has now returned to the Museum of Secret Surveillance. Opened on 23rd of May, it is the newest museum in Albania and certainly the most intriguing one that tries to narrate to young people and to foreigners, one of the darkest periods of the country’s history.

Events: https://muzeugjethi.gov.al/evente/?lang=en

Entrance fee: https://muzeugjethi.gov.al/about-us/cmimi-ditet-pushim-oraret/?lang=en

Opening hours and closing days: https://muzeugjethi.gov.al/?lang=en

House of Leaves

Access preferences

School projects (Workshops)

Contact info

National Museum of secret surveillance - House of Leaves,
1001 Tirana, Albania.
+355 4 222 2612