Thessaloniki (Greece)

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

A MUSEUM FOR ALL. The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is one of the largest museums in Greece and the central museum of northern Greece. All visitors are welcome to experience its unique collections of ancient artefacts as well as its rich and extrovert cultural activities.
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki inside

Access preferences

Interactive installations (Multisensory Experiences)

MACEDONIA. FROM FRAGMENTS TO PIXELS. This exhibition with its new technologies allow visitors to access unique artefacts, archaeological sites and monuments, offering a new interactive experience that combines information and learning through playing. Hence, visitors can explore digital representations of ancient artefacts, travel in time and space and discover, in a simple and modern way, aspects of the history and archaeology of ancient Macedonia, through its virtual image.

Various educational programmes for young and old. (Children friendly)

Teaching becomes a game and a quest as the museum artefacts reveal their secrets through our educational programmes.

Contact info

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki,
6 Manoli Andronikou Street,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
+30 2313 310201