Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The National Gallery was established in 1946. It has over 6,000 invaluable pieces in the Collection of Bosnian-Herzegovinian art, the Collection of Ferdinand Hodler’s works, the Collection of Icons, the Collection of Yugoslav art and others.

Entrance fee:

Opening hours and closing days:

National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Access preferences

Autism (General)

“Blue artism” is a museum-educational program developed for children from Autistic spectrum. In the program have been participated also children and youth with other developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome and intellectual impairments. Activities of the program includes breathing exercises in motion, guided discussions on selected artworks with reasonably adjusted speech and language, creative work with art materials, tactile and olfactive exercises and emotional self-evaluation. At the end of the program is organized an exhibition of the artworks created by the participants. The program runs annually.

Contact info

National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Zelenih beretki 8,
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
+387 33 26 65 50