Musei Capitolini
The creation of the Capitoline Museums has been traced back to 1471, when Pope Sixtus IV donated a group of bronze statues of great symbolic value to the People of Rome. The collections are closely linked to the city of Rome, and most of the exhibits come from the city itself.Entrance fee:
Opening hours and closing days:

Access preferences
- Accessibility for visitors with reduced mobility (Accessible entrance for pushchairs and wheelchairs)
Description with map of how to reach the Capitoline Hill and the Capitoline Museums
- Audio guide for children (Children friendly)
Audio guide for children and families in Italian, English and French (recommended age: 6-12)
- Buggies allowed (Children friendly)
The use of a baby pram is admitted inside the museum.
- Digital resources (Virtual Content)
The contents are divided into the following sections:
• Online museum
• Online collection
• Online exhibitions
• Google Arts & Culture- Drawing in the museum (Multisensory Experiences)
n order to draw inside the Museum, it is necessary to request authorisation from the management, using the appropriate form, filled in in all its parts. The request, addressed to the attention of Director, must be received at least 48 hours in advance.
It can be delivered directly to the museum ticket office or sent - by mail: Direzione Musei Capitolini - Via delle Tre Pile n. 1 - 00186 ROMA - by e-mail: Free Cloakroom (Complementary Offer)
The wardrobe service is free of charge, included in the ticket price, and is self-managed. For reasons of protection of the works of art, the staff may request that bulky bags, backpacks, umbrellas and other potentially harmful objects be left in the cloakroom. Objects left in the self-service cloakroom must be collected before the museums close.
- Guided tours (Group and Tours)
A guided tour service is available in several languages, for a fee and by prior arrangement, with a choice of museum and/or exhibition route.
- Italian Sign Language (Easy Read & Understanding)
For many years, the Musei Capitolini have made available online a LIS (Italian Signs Language) video that describes the entire route. Inside the Museums, in the multifunctional area of the Temple of Jupiter, you can consult the touch-screen terminal which contains a LIS video about the history of the Capitol
- Photography and video (Photography)
FORBIDDEN to take photographs with a flash or tripod. In the case of exhibitions it is not possible to take photographs; no video cameras allowed
- Tactile Models of building and artworks (Tactile Experiences)
The Musei Capitolini are equipped with permanent tactile supports that allow blind and visually impaired people to explore and learn about some of the most important artworks displayed in the Museums. These supports are available thanks to the attention that has been paid to this public over the years.
- The MiC APPs (Museum App)
The app allows to discover the collection of the Musei Capitolini in an easy and exhaustive way, through the histories of many of their exceptional and unique artworks, conveyed through the use of lively storytelling that allows greater user involvement.
- Video Guide (Visual Experiences)
Video guide on the permanent exhibition of the museums in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian
Contact info
Musei Capitolini,
Piazza del Campidoglio 1,
00186 Rome, Italy.
+39 060608