Riga (Latvia)

Latvian Museum of Decorative Arts and Design

The Latvian Museum of Decorative Arts and Design is an arts museum in Riga, Latvia. The museum was established on 1 January 1989 and opened to the public on 6 July 1989. It is located in the former church St. George's Church, Riga, the oldest surviving stone building in Riga

Entrance fee: https://www.lnmm.lv/en/museum-of-decorative-arts-and-design/visit/tickets

Opening hours and closing days: https://www.lnmm.lv/en/museum-of-decorative-arts-and-design/visit/opening-hours

Latvian Museum of Decorative Arts and Design

Access preferences

Baby carriages and pushchairs (Accessible entrance for pushchairs and wheelchairs)

For the convenience of our youngest visitors, children's pushchairs for interior use are available in the museum's cloakroom.

Child accessibility (Children friendly)

Children under 18 with disabilities, persons with group I or II disabilities (on presenting a disability certificate) and one person accompanying a child under 18 with disabilities or a person with group I disability as well as orphans or children without parental care (on presenting a certificate) are entitled to free admission to the museum.

Dogs (Animals)

Guide and assistance dogs are permitted inside the museum.

Entrance (Accessibility)

The museum building is located in the Old Town, it is a church building constructed in the 13th century, and there is a street-level step-free entrance from Skārņu iela (assistance is required to open the door wider

Guided tours (Group and Tours)

The guided tours offered by the museum's specialists can be adapted to the needs of the audience by agreeing on the course of the activity in advance.

Lifts (General)

The building has a narrow lift – the door opens to the width of 60 cm, the area of the floor is 80 x 105 cm. The lift provides access to the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building.

Signal (Easy Read & Understanding)

The museum uses pictograms and signage to help finding way around the premises.

Contact info

Latvian Museum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Skārņu iela 10, Centra rajons,
LV-1050, Riga, Latvia.
+371 67 222 235