Rennes (France)

Les Champs Libres

Les Champs Libres is a cultural center in Rennes, France hosting the Library of Rennes Métropole, the Museum of Brittany, the Espace des sciences, and the Cantine numérique rennaise. There are also a conference hall and an exhibition room.
Les Champs Libres

Access preferences

Sign Language (Sign language)

Amplified visit interpreted in LSF (French sign language) of the Henri Pollès Museum of Books and Letters

Tactile experience (Tactile Experiences)

Tactile visit, model of the Champs Libres in the Hall Magenta

Contact info

Les Champs Libres,
10 Cour des Alliés,
35000 Rennes, France.
+33 2 23 40 66 00