Nancy (France)

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy / The Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy

The Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy, one of the oldest museums in France, is housed in one of the pavilions on the Place Stanislas, in the heart of the 18th-century urban ensemble, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Entrance fee:

Opening hours and closing days:

musée des beaux arts nancy

Access preferences

App (Web accessibility)

The application linked to the visit may be downloaded free onto your phone or is available at the museum reception desk. It offers a French Sign Language itinerary.

Hearing (Acoustic Experiences)

A magnetic loop is also available for the hard of hearing

Mobility (Getting around inside the museum)

The museum has lifts and slope to enable people with mobility impairments to visit the collections without difficulty.

Tours (Group and Tours)

The Nancy museums visitor department offers special tours for people without access to culture due to social or disability issues. Tours or workshops, facilitation is made-to-measure, following discussions with associations or institutions.

Contact info

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy,
3 Pl. Stanislas,
54000 Nancy, France.
+33 3 83 85 30 01