The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus
The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (Belarusian: Нацыянальны мастацкі музей Рэспублікі Беларусь) is the largest art museum in Belarus and is located in Minsk. The museum comprises more than thirty thousands works of art which make up twenty various collections and constitutes two main ones: the one of national art and the other of art monuments of various countries of the world.Access preferences
- Accessible Museum (Complementary Offer)
Interactive Events & Workshops for visitors with special needs
- Website for Visually Impaired (Web accessibility)
Website adapted for Visually Impaired
Contact info
The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus,
vulica Lienina 20,
220030 Minsk, Belarus.
+375 17 397-01-63