León (Spain)


The Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León aspires to be a fundamental tool to know critically the art, culture and society of the world in which we live and to act in the formulation of new models to produce, make visible and share contemporary art that are reflections of new ways of understanding society in times of radical and rapid transformations. MUSAC is defined as an open space for citizens for thought, dialogue and understanding of analytical tools and action strategies concerning art and its relation with society, using critical museology as a paradigm through which the users can relate with the museum and the environment to generate a shared network of situated and contextual knowledge. Crossing cultures and identities, the museum functions as a platform that transforms, problematizes and questions current aesthetic, poetic, political and socioeconomic conditions. Understood as an active tool, MUSAC creates experiences of learning, knowledge building, dissemination and dialogue with the arts based on relationships between works and users that enhance multiple speeches or points of view and provide different types of knowledge experiences both personally and socially. As an active agent, MUSAC must not only participate in community dynamics, but also contribute to build them and make them possible. That is why it must help to weave a network of relationships between the different actors and social and artistic agents in the community, aimed at increasing the social use of the museum, enabling ways that make autonomy, participation and co-responsibility compatible.
MUSAC installation inside

Access preferences

Accessibility to contents (Complementary Offer)

Accessible activities:
Groups: MUSAC organizes specific activities aimed at care centers for people with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer's disease, or acquired brain damage.
Hearing impaired: MUSAC schedules guided tours with a Spanish Sign Language (LSE) interpreter every first Friday of the month. It also offers the possibility of requesting an LSE Interpreter service for any activity in the Education Area, at least 15 days in advance.
All exhibitions are equipped with informative texts and guides, as well as easy language guides in Spanish. The works on display are subtitled.
Visually impaired: MUSAC periodically offers special visits for the visually impaired. A selection of works on display have an audio description.

Accessible material and resources:
Educational materials in pictograms and easy language: The museum offers educational materials made in adaptive and augmentative communication formats, such as pictograms or easy to read, produced in collaboration with various institutions that work with people with disabilities.

Family Visits (Children friendly)

Visit adapted to children from 5 to 12 years old and their families.
Free activity.

Guided Tours and Group Reservations (Group and Tours)

General Guided Tours

Group Tours

Simoultaneous Guided Tours in Spanish Sign Language

Guided Tours for the visually impaired

Physical accessibility (Accessible entrance for pushchairs and wheelchairs)

Conference Hall
Located on the ground floor, it has a space for wheelchair users in the last row. It is not equipped with a magnetic induction loop for deaf people with hearing aids.

Circulation through the museum
The exhibition halls as well as other public areas such as the Department of Education and Cultural Action (DEAC) or the Conference Hall are distributed on one floor. The Araceli Corbo Library and Documentation Center, with access from the main floor, has a second floor equipped with a stair lift. Likewise, the Cidón Restaurant has a second floor also equipped with an elevator.

There is a public car park of the Junta de Castilla y León 450 meters from MUSAC.
There is a parking space for people with reduced mobility in front of the museum esplanade.

Contact info

Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24,
León, Spain.
(+34) 987 09 00 00