Bucharest (Romania)

National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

The Village Museum or formally National Museum of the Village "Dimitrie Gusti" is an open-air ethnographic museum located in the King Michael I Park, Bucharest, Romania. The museum showcases traditional Romanian village life.

Events: https://muzeul-satului.ro/en/calendar-evenimente/

Entrance fee: https://muzeul-satului.ro/en/acces-muzeu/

Opening hours and closing days: https://muzeul-satului.ro/en/acces-muzeu/

dimitrie gusti national village museum

Access preferences

Mobility (None)

mostly outdoors, and on flat terrain

Contact info

National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village,
Şoseaua Pavel D. Kiseleff 30,
011347 Bucharest, Romania.
+40 21 317 9103