Bitola (North Macedonia)

NI Institute and Museum Bitola

NI “Institute and museum” – Bitola is a non-profit national institution which collects, researches, preserves and presents valuable and unique intangible and tangible multicultural heritage from Bitola and the region, from the Neolithic age to present days, and educates a wide variety of visitors, bringing them closer to the artifacts for a better understanding and respect of.

Entrance fee:

Opening hours and closing days:

NI Institute and Museum Bitola

Access preferences

Audition (Multisensory Experiences)

Some activities that increased the accessibility of museum was preparing descriptive texts (both in Macedonian and English), audio narrations and producing the videos in sign language for fourteen (14) representative objects from the museum exhibition. Next to each object in the exhibition, a QR code is placed, which when scanned with a mobile phone leads the visitor to an appropriate web location. The entire museum is covered with free Wi-Fi Internet connection, which was also enabled within this project.

General (Accessibility)

Adding an audio narration, allows the visitor’s smartphone also to be used as an audio guide. Using fusing machine for the production of tactile images, the project team produce twenty-one (21) tactile images for the interpretation of museum objects. Some of these objects were also described with produced audio content that was tailored for the needs of blind and visually impaired visitors.
It was evident that the children enjoyed seeing in person the objects from their school textbooks, presented in a sign language and with audio description.

Web accessibility (Web accessibility)

One of the new trends in the Balkan museums is the implementation of QR codes (abbreviated from Quick Response Code). Compared to the BAR code, the QR code can transfer more information, including a link to a website where visitors can find more information. In this way, the museum exhibit on display is enriched with the background information.

Contact info

NI Institute and Museum Bitola,
St Clement of Ohrid BB,
7000 Bitola, North Macedonia.
+389 47 233 187