Amsterdam (The Netherlands)


The Rijksmuseum is the national museum of the Netherlands. We tell the story of 800 years of Dutch history, from 1200 to now. In addition, we organize several exhibitions per year from our own collection and with (inter) national loans. At the Rijksmuseum, art and history take on new meaning for a broad-based, contemporary national and international audience.As a national institute, the Rijksmuseum offers a representative overview of Dutch art and history from the Middle Ages onwards, and of major aspects of European and Asian art.
Rijksmuseum from above

Access preferences

Animals (Animals)

Guide dogs on a lead are of course allowed into the museum.

Audio Tours (Acoustic Experiences)

There’s a range of audio tours as well which you can download to your smartphone and a podcast series with stories about the exhibitions and collection.
Visitors who are deaf or hard of hearing:

Families and children (Children friendly)

The Rijksmuseum is open to everyone. We do everything we can to make the museum accessible for all children.

General Accessibility (Accessibility)

he Rijksmuseum is open to everyone. So naturally we do all we can to make the museum accessible for visitors with disabilities. If you have questions or suggestions for us please mail them to

Rijksmuseum App (Museum App)

The free Rijksmuseum App lets you buy tickets, take free multimedia tours and find your way through the museum or scroll through the online collection. For a limited time only, present your app for a 10% discount at the museum shop.
The app can be downloaded in advance from any location. If you have a neckloop such as ComPilot, you can listen to the tours by connecting your hearing aid to your telephone using Bluetooth. The Auditorium is fitted with a hearing loop.

Sensory Activit (Complementary Offer)

Visitors with sensory sensitivity:

You can keep your visit interesting and calm by choosing a quieter part of the museum. These are marked in green on the floorplan. Or plan your visit outside high season and before 10 in the morning or 3.30 in the afternoon. If you do feel overloaded, then go to the quiet room.

Sustainability (Environmentally responsible)

The Rijksmuseum is committed to becoming one of the world’s most sustainable museums. And we’re already well on our way!

Tactile visit (Tactile Experiences)

We offer a special guided tour for visitors with a visual impairment so you can touch the objects in the museum. On each first Wednesday of the month there’s a free tour of the exhibition. And on every third Sunday of the month there’s a free tour of the permanent collection. In the holiday periods there are also free tours for families.

Contact info

Museumstraat 1,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+31 (0) 20 6747 000